
Cannes Film Festival  YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s)  1980 Won Best Supporting Actress  Milena Dravic  Tied with Carla Gravina and Terrazza, La (1980).  Nominated Golden Palm  Goran Paskaljevic  Golden Globes, USA  YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s)  1981 Nominated Golden Globe Best Foreign Film  Brushed with shadings of a larger social and political commentary, this occasionally hilarious and consistently funny comedy looks at a closet alcoholic, Dr. Ilich (Ljuba Tadic) who treats alcoholism in others with an iron hand and a zany therapeutical approach. Between the music of Wagner, a diet in which apples figure prominently, and exercises that look like Chicken Little in take-off mode, the doctor is convinced his patients will be cured. What really ails most of them is what caused their alcohol problem in the first place – so when the eccentric doctor takes six of his patients to a nearby brewery to demonstrate the success of his treatment, chaos results. First the apples taken on the trip are spiked by one patient (two of them clink their apples in joy) and then the brewery management and its own alcohol-addicted crew add to the patients’ antics.



Cannes Film Festival  YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s)  1980 Won Best Supporting Actress  Milena Dravic  Tied with Carla Gravina and Terrazza, La (1980).  Nominated Golden Palm  Goran Paskaljevic  Golden Globes, USA  YearResultAwardCategoryRecipient(s)  1981 Nominated Golden Globe Best Foreign Film  Brushed with shadings of a larger social and political commentary, this occasionally hilarious and consistently funny comedy looks at a closet alcoholic, Dr. Ilich (Ljuba Tadic) who treats alcoholism in others with an iron hand and a zany therapeutical approach. Between the music of Wagner, a diet in which apples figure prominently, and exercises that look like Chicken Little in take-off mode, the doctor is convinced his patients will be cured. What really ails most of them is what caused their alcohol problem in the first place – so when the eccentric doctor takes six of his patients to a nearby brewery to demonstrate the success of his treatment, chaos results. First the apples taken on the trip are spiked by one patient (two of them clink their apples in joy) and then the brewery management and its own alcohol-addicted crew add to the patients’ antics.

《特别治疗》是由高兰·帕斯卡杰维奇执导,米莲娜·德拉维奇,留巴·塔迪奇,杜西察·热加拉茨等领衔主演,并于1980年在其它地区正式上映的剧情 / 喜剧类型影视作品。 根据98影院收集到的信息来看,《特别治疗》片长未知(全集未删减完整版),目前已有268位观众给与7分的评价,目前豆瓣评分是0分。 并且《特别治疗》总点击量已经达到632次,其中日点击量98次,周点击量79次,月点击量937次。

98影院于2023-03-03从网络收集到《特别治疗》并归类到剧情片,该片最近更新日期是2023-08-31,当前更新状态是:HD中字。 由于该片源收集至网络,请大家观看时不要相信任何广告,谨防上当受骗。同时请大家在能力允许情况下多多支持正版。 98影院(https://www.98gov.com)提供《特别治疗》电视剧全集完整版,《特别治疗》在线观看免费完整版高清,更多免费剧情片请持续关注本站。


